Monday, December 1, 2008

Election Day!!

This is the sticker you get every time you vote
Well, on November 4th I went out and voted. I voted for McCain and Palin. Jon and I voted together. We went just after 10:00 am and from the time we stood in line to the time we got to the car was 34 minutes. So not too bad. We didn't have anything too exciting on the ballot besides the president. I really wish it was Mitt Romney and not McCain but looking back on the California Proposition 8 passing (no same sex marriages in California) and all the things they were saying about mormons I can't imagine what would have happened if Prop 8 passed and Romney being Mormon beating Obama. Yikes that wouldn't be happy day or days. I just hope Obama does a good job and keeps our country safe. Well at least McCain won in Georgia.

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