Sunday, November 20, 2011

National Cheesecake Day

On Saturday, July 30th we went to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate national cheesecake day.  Who knew there was a day for that.  We met up with the Tady's and Bugee's at the the Cheesecake Factory because all there cheesecake was 1/2 off.  Jon was working so he wasn't able to join us.  Lucky for me, my kids each wanted a different kind of cheesecake so I was able to sample 6 other kinds.  We had the Oreo, cookie dough, peanut butter candy, red velvet cake, Godiva chocolate, original with strawberry topping, and Hershey chocolate.  They were all very good a so rich.  I got Connor a chicken finger meal since he wasn't going to eat the cheesecake.  I can't wait till next year.  I think this will have to be a new tradition since I'm pretty sure we wont be taking the kids back for some cheesecake unless it is 1/2 off since it it pretty pricey.

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