Friday, May 15, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Spring Break for us started on Friday, April 3, after school got out. The kids went to the Primary movie night which I already wrote about. Followed by 2 day of watching this

Jon and I watched all 4 sessions of conference from the comfort of our home. I really enjoyed listening to the prophet, apostles, and other general authorities. My favorite talk and the one that I remember best has to be the Saturday morning session the very first talk given. It was by Elder Robert D. Hales, Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually. Jon took Brenton to his first General Priesthood Session of conference at the Stake Center. Now over a month later I am reading them in the Ensign and remembering the talks all over again as well as reading what the men heard in the Priesthood Session. I always start with the Priesthood Session first because that is things I haven't heard yet except for what Jon has told me after the Session which isn't much after all he is a guy and not one for details.

Monday and Tuesday of Spring Break was cold. We have had really great weather this year. A very mild winter and it seemed to me that spring came a little earlier than normal. So we had to stay indoors which kind of stunk because we had been indoors Saturday and Sunday due to watching Conference. Payton and Kennedy did have a sleep over on Monday night at Maddie's house (Jon home teaches their family and the girls like to go with Jon). I did have a brilliant idea of taking all the kids except Connor and Hayden to the cheap theatre on Tuesday because it was cold outside and Tuesday is half price day so the tickets were $0.75 each. We were going to see Bedtime Stories since we have already seen Bolt and didn't really want to see Pink Panther. I guess everyone else had the same idea because that place was packed. When we were 5th in line, they posted a sign that Bedtime Stories was sold out. So my brilliant idea was no longer brilliant with kids sad and whining. Luckily, that movie just came out that day on DVD so we headed to the store and rented it and made up some popcorn and watched it at home.

Wednesday morning was chilly but warmed up nice and fast as the day went on. We decided to take the kids to the zoo. I think everyone else had the same idea because that place was packed with people. Luckily we had our year pass so we didn't feel to bad about skipping the panda bears. They actually had a line to see the panda bears. They had ropes and all to form a nice straight line. I think the big hype was the baby panda bear was finally out to be viewed. I guess baby panda will just have to wait until next time for us. Here are some of my favorite pictures of this zoo trip. Brenton took most of these.

Hayden licking the ice cream out of the cup

On the way home from the zoo we picked up cousin Gabbie for a stay late play date.

On Thursday, I planted our veggie garden. This year I tried a few more things than previous years. I planted lots of bush beans, 2 jalapeno pepper plants, 2 green pepper plants, 2 zucchini plants, a yellow squash, and a cucumber plant. I planted the yellow squash and cucumber plants in an upside down hanging planter which is something I have never done before and so far they are growing great. A few weeks later I planted 3 different kinds of tomatoes (they were mail order tomatoes and I hadn't received them yet). I am happy to report that over a month later they are all still alive and growing like crazy. I already have 3 small zucchinis and the other plants are starting to flower. That night Jon and Brenton went to the temple for our ward youth temple baptism trip. This is Brenton's first time doing baptisms for the dead and probably his last time for 15-18 months since the temple is going to be closing in July so they can change the endowment rooms so they will run like the new temples are. All the other temples around us are small temples that can only accommodate 10 youth at a time for baptisms. We have tons of young men and young women in our ward. I would say about 60 kids or more. The closest big temples are Orlando and then Washington D.C. Jon stayed to help out since you need lots of priesthood holders for baptisms and confirmations. Jon baptized some of youth including Brenton. Brenton also got to be baptized for some of my relatives on my dad's side. But best of all, he was baptized in behalf of my Grandpa Bugee who passed away a year ago December. I was so glad he got to do that for my Grandpa before the temple closed. Hopefully my dad can get all his work done before July. Hayden also turfed it outside while running down our driveway. His face broke his fall. He didn't have a scrap on his hands or knees. Poor guy. It looked worse than it felt. This picture was taken a few days later Ouch!! Hayden's crash and burn marks

Good Friday Jon and I went to the temple and did some sealings. The passed 3 years our stake has done a Good Friday temple day and they encourage everyone with a current temple recommend to attend the temple sometime that day and they really want you to do some work for your own ancestors. Jon and I went early to the temple and the place was filled with people. They even had to open up more sealing rooms because they were to many people wanting to do sealings. After the temple, I took Payton and Kennedy over to my sister Cheri's house so the girls could have a sleep over with her girls.

Saturday morning, the whole family headed over to Cheri's house to celebrate Megan's birthday which was the week before. My parents and Morgan and Taylor weren't there they were in Southern California having a great old time in San Diego, and L.A. area including Disneyland and California Adventures. We started off by going to their Community Easter Egg hunt. Each of the kids got a sack lunch to eat later. It consisted of chips, fruit snacks, and a crustable pb and j sandwich. Then the kids took turns holding and petting one of 2 big rabbits that were there. I think Kennedy was the only one who didn't want to hold one.

Payton, Talmage, Brenton, and Hayden each holding a rabbit

After the puppet show put on by the community youth church group, it was time for the egg hunt. They had 3 areas. 2 and under, 3-5, and over 5. I was with Hayden and Talmage while Jon went with the older kids. They all found lots of eggs. Too bad most of the candy was the cheapy crap. We knew that going into it but the kids had fun anyway.

Talmage ready to start

Hayden ready for the hunt

After that we walked over to their community fire station (Cheri's hubby volunteers there) and let the kids go in the fire truck and sound the siren. Which of course they thought was awesome.

Then we headed over to Cheri's house to eat lunch, have Megan open a couple relative birthday presents, and eat cake and ice cream. After the kids played for a while, we went to a place and did a family egg hunt. This time with the good candy. Each family was responsible for filling 10 eggs per kid (wow 60) and they each got to hunt for 10 eggs. This is the best group shot of all the cousins I could get. Not too bad for 13 kids 12 and under and 3 people trying to take pictures when all they want to do is hunt for their eggs.

Talmage, Connor, and Kennedy in the fire truck

So that was our Spring Break. It was no Disney, but we had fun even though we weren't busy every second of the day.

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