Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blood Drive

On May 9th our ward was having a blood drive at the church. I signed up because it has been a while since I last donated. I just didn't realize how long it actually had been. The last time I donated was in 1999. Yikes has it been 10 years already. They had me in the computer but it was at the address we moved from almost 6 years ago. I guess it was after I stopped nursing Connor but before I became pregnant with Payton since they are 2 years apart almost to the day. I used to donate anytime there was one at the church or school. It felt good to do this for someone who will need it. I also picked up my Mother's Day corsage the YW made and were selling for girls camp. They did a really great job and they weren't too big. They had small red, white, or pink carnations and or roses on them.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Funny....the missionaries in our Ward held a blood drive a week after yours. I missed it, but Rick went and gave for the first time in his life. That's a big deal because he is really afraid of needles!

He has the same sticker stuck right here in front of my face on the computer. lol.

I'm hoping it was ok for him to give blood because we both had MRSA in the past 3 years and I don't know if we are allowed. He said they never asked that question. But I wonder because when I had Ava, they put a sign on my door saying people had to wear face masks and gloves in order to deal with me. I had MRSA a YEAR before I had Ava and they were still soooo cautious! Weird.

Guess I had better get down there and donate if I can because it's been 3 years atleast. Ugh.