August 11, 2008 was the first day of school. It seems to me our school system is starting earlier and earlier every year. The reason we started a week earlier than previous years is because they added about 6 early release days (1/2 days). But it is nice to get out of school before Memorial Day. I am ready to send the kids back to school but am not ready for the homework and projects. Hopefully, I can get extra things done around the house besides the basic cleaning, cooking, laundry etc. The schools in metro Atlanta (Maybe it's the whole state not sure though) are backwards on who they send to school first. Any school that I have ever been to or have talk with other people about their schools where they live, have the high school start first then the middle school and the elementary school starts the latest. Well in the Atlanta area they have the elementary school start first at 7:50 am so my elementary kids have to wake up at 6:25 am and the girls catch the bus at 7:00 am and Connors bus comes at 7:15 am. It is still dark when they wake up and just starting to turn daylight when they walk to the bus stop. Then Brenton who just started middle school (6th grade is middle school in our city) starts at 8:35 am (same time as the high school). So he has to catch the bus at 7:45 am which works out perfect because I have to drive Talmage to PreK every day and his school starts at 8:00am. Yes, I have 5 kids in 4 different schools. The girls go to the elementary school. Connor goes to a different elementary school with a whole wing of the school dedicated to children with autism (lucky for us it is so close to our house the same distance from our elementary school but in a different direction). Brenton is in middle school and Talmage goes to a private GA lottery funded Pre K. One of the good things about having Jon's business office in our house is when the kids arrive home from school. I have to pick up Talmage at 2:30 pm and Connor comes off the bus between 2:30 and 2:35 pm and the girls get off the bus at 2:35 pm so Jon makes sure he is home by that time to help get kids off the bus. So far (5 weeks later) Jon hasn't been home in time to get the kids of the bus so I had to pick up Connor and then Talmage. The girls were walking home off the bus as I pulled into our driveway. Then Brenton comes home 1 hour and 20 minutes later. Which I try and have the girls done with there homework before he comes home.
Here are the traditional first day of school photos.
Kennedy starting 1st grade
Payton starting 3rd grade
Connor starting 5th grade
Talmage starting pre K
Brenton starting 6th grade
1 comment:
Great pictures! Everyone has skinny little legs :)
I know California does that backward day too. My nephew in HS doesn't have to go to school until around 9am, but he sisters were earlier. They also go back to school in August.
Soon Michigan will be making all kindergarteners go to school full time. I'm NOT happy about that. I can't see how they can keep these poor little people awake for the last half of the day. They won't be worth much getting work done in my opinion. But whatever. I'm not the boss.
I'm glad you were able to win the lottery -wink- with the preschool. Yay!
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