Friday, March 29, 2013

Pinewood Derby

On February 22, Talmage participated in his first Cub Scout pinewood derby.  He had a great time designing his car and then Jon cut it out.  Talmage picked out the colors and dad spray painted it.  He placed a Lego guy to be the driver of his car. 
Talmage showing off his car

front view of the car

Lorin and Talmage showing off their cars
side and top view of the car
Talmage and Lorin's first race

Talmage and Lorin racing each other
So Talmage and Lorin's first race was between each other.  Talmage won.  Talmage won all of his races and Lorin won all his except for his first one against Talmage.  Then they had Talmage and Lorin race one last time and this time Lorin won.  Then they raced again and Lorin won again.  So Lorin took 1st place, Talmage took 2nd, and Calvin took 3rd.  All these boys were Wolves and this was all of their first time and it was Calvin's first Cub Scout activity since he just turned 8 3 days before.  Talmage was very happy for his cousin Lorin and told him if I had to loose I am glad it was to you.  Of course, Jon and I gave Talmage the whole speech of just have fun and it doesn't matter if you loose just have a great time.  I as a mom was just hoping he would at least win one race.
The winners Talmage, Lorin, and Calvin
After the race, the Tady's, Bugees, and us went to Dairy Queen to celebrate.  O.K. we really went there because whatever den was in charge of bringing the refreshments for some reason didn't bring them or tell their den scouts to bring them.  It was a fun night.
Two very happy winners Talmage and Lorin at Dairy Queen

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