Monday, November 9, 2009

Missionaries to dinner

On September 10th, we had the missionaries over for dinner. Since we finally got the missionary meal calendar in Primary I thought I better sign up because who knows when I will see it next. Almost two months later and haven't seen it again. Anyway, why is this such a big deal and worth noting. Well about 1 hour before the missionaries were to come over Jon gets a phone call from them asking if we had room for one more. Of course we said we did. I just made up a mess of Chili and cornbread and fruit and of course desert so there was plenty. Then we find out who it is yeah it's the mission president. I guess they had a zone conference that day and the pres was going to be hanging out with them the rest of the evening. Yikes. All I have to say is thanks for only telling me one hour in advance because any more notice and I would have been a touch bit more nervous. Luckily the kids well I mean Hayden only said poop a couple times at the dinner table the others were well behaved for them. It was a neat experience.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

HAHAHA! I'm not laughing that you got put on the spot at the last minute, but I AM laughing at Hayden saying POOP a few times! It could always be worse huh? Glad it went as well as it did. :)