Thursday, June 2, 2011

Goals for the New Year 2011

Here are my New Years goals.  I don't like the word resolution because to me that is a goal that you keep for one month and then give up.  I like to really think about the goals I want to make for the new year so I take the whole month of January to really think about what I want goals I want to make habits in my life. 
Since it is June when I am getting around to post this I will also do an update on my goals.  Good thing I wrote these down or else I would have probably forgot some of them before actually putting it on my blog. 
I like to do my goals in a few categories so I will first start with my spiritual goals
1.  Read the scriptures the Sunday School lesson will be on that week. 
     As of June I have read every scripture that goes along with the lesson.  This has been great because when the teacher is giving the lesson everything I have read just comes together and all makes sense.

2.  Read the Relief Society lessons.  This only applies to the 2nd,3rd, and 4th Sunday's.   The first Sunday is the RS presidency picks a topic and the 5th Sunday we are combined with the men and the bishopric picks that topic.
As of June I have also read every 2nd and 3rd Sunday RS lesson and the past couple months have read the 4th Sunday lesson because I just started getting the Conference talk topic from Jon since he is Elders Quorum president he has the lesson to pass on to his teacher.

3.  Read the Ensign cover to cover each month. 
     This one I started when school started so in August.  As of June, I have read all the Ensign's cover to cover every month.  This has been easy for me this year because I would just go to Hayden school a little early to pick him up and read while I am in the car pool line.  The summer shouldn't be too hard either.  I will just take the Ensign with me to the pool and read for a bit while the kids are swimming.

4.  Attend the temple once a week during school and during the summer at least once a month.  Now that all my kids are in school there should be no reason why I can't do this with no problem.  The only problem is the temple will be closed until May. 
   Update as of June I am happy to report that I have been to the temple once a week with my mom since the temple has been open in May. So 4 times.  Now that school is out, my goal for June is to go during the 2nd full week in June since we will be in Disney the first 1 1/2 weeks and Jon and Brenton (my babysitter) will be gone to Philmont Scout Camp the  last  1 1/2 weeks of June. 

Now on to my Physical goals

1.  Increase my running to 3 miles on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's and on Tuesday and Thursday's work up to 5 miles.  I started out the year with running 2 1/2 miles everyday as of June I am doing my 3 miles three days a week and am at 4 1/2 miles on the other 2 days so I still have 1/2 miles to go on those 2 days. 

2.  Get back into weight lifting Mon, Wed, and Friday's. 
Update as of June I have been back and forth on this one.  I did so well when I was going to my parents house and doing it there, but since my sister and her family moved in almost 1 1/2 years ago things were too crowded so I haven't really gone there to work out in a year.  They are supposed to be moving out sometime this month so hopefully in July I will be able to go over there again. 

3.  Lose some weight.  We got rid of our rusty ugly scale a long while back.  Jon just purchased a scale 1 1/2 months ago and I was shocked that I had gained 15 lbs the last 4 years.  It doesn't seem so bad when you look at it as just under 4 lbs a year for the last 4 years.  Well since 4 years ago I still wanted to lose 5 lbs I want to lose 20 lbs. 
Update  I didn't really get serious about this one until  after spring break 1 1/2 months ago.  It is always easier to lose weight and eat healthier when someone else it doing it with you.  Since Jon is going to Philmont the end of June, we both decided to eat better after spring break.  Yes we have had a couple days that haven't been so healthy (my birthday, mother's day, Jon's birthday) but over all we have both been doing awesome.  As of a week ago I have lost 10 lbs.  So 5 more to go to where I was 4 years ago and another 5 to be where I want to be at.  I feel great and my pants and shorts are not tight anymore in fact most of them are loose.   

Personal goals
1.  Organize my recipes
My recipes that I get from church activities, my family, magazines, print out from the computer are all in one big pile that when I want to find a recipe I have to search through this big pile of recipes.  I want to put them in a 3 ring binder with tabs
Update as of June all I have done is sort out the recipes that I have tried before and the ones I have never tried before. 

2.  Update 3 month supply of food.  2 years ago I completed my 3 month supply of food.  I have tried hard to keep it fully stocked and rotated.  I have the rotating thing down but don't always write what I take out of there to buy  so I need to go through it all and make a list of things that I still need.
Update  I have been good at re buying the items I now take out of the 3 month supply closet but still have to go through and buy the missing items that I never wrote down to replace.  I don't believe it will be that much.

3.  Done with my long term 1 year food/toiletries.  I would say I have all the basic survival food for 1 year.  The wheat, rice, oats, etc but I don't want just the basics.  So I have been buying pasta sauce and noodles, tuna, canning my own meat, canned fruit and veggies, powdered eggs, canning chocolate chips to make cookies, peanut butter, jelly, syrup, spices.  I don't want just blah food I want food with some taste. 
Update I'm not sure how many months worth of food I have.  I still need more toilet paper but the rest of the bathroom items are done.  We have a list of everything for our long term supply I just need to go through it and calculate what we still need.  As of now I am buying things that I know we still need every week to add to our year supply.

4.  Stand for Truth and Right
This one is probably going to be my hardest goal to do.  So many times I have just kept my mouth shut and hope things would just go away when I know I should speak up and not let someone talk about something that is not true or just plain wrong. 
Update as of June I have sadly had to remove myself and my family from some other members of my family. Even though I am very sadden and broken hearted by this decision,  my family and I are much happier and I know with all my heart that this was the right thing for us.  Hopefully in the future, we can be part of their family again and they apart of ours but now know.  I am thankful for the Holy Ghost that will let me know when and if that time ever comes. 

Hopefully by Dec 31, 2011 these will all be habits and then I can focus on a whole other group of things.

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