Saturday, July 18, 2009

Activity Day Girls

Oh how I wish they had activity day girls when I was 8-11 years old. They do some really cool things and I think it is great to have the girls get together and become friends with each other and get to know each other better than just on Sunday's. I mean most of these girls all go to different schools.

On May 28th I was able to attend the stake activity day girls activity. They wanted each ward to have a couple adults to help out. I was glad I was able to go. These ladies did a fabulous job. When we got there, the girls got to decorate their own draw string backpack that had the theme of the activity (Stay on the Path) on it. That was basically something for the girls to do while they were waiting for all the late people to come. After that, the stake Primary leaders did a little skit about staying on the path of the hike they were on and they likened that to how we need to stay on the spiritual path. Then they divided the kids up into four groups. The first group I went to was about being a princess a daughter of our heavenly father. The sister talked about modesty and dress and how we need to act. She did a great job. Then we went to another room and she talked about the Scriptures and how we can liken them to our lives and gave a couple examples. Then the girls make Scripture cootie catchers. Remember those oh how I loved making those and doing that with my sisters. These cootie catchers had a scripture on it which you are to read then a question and the answer. Very cute. Then we broke for lunch which was Domino's pizza, strawberries, and carrots. Then it was off to the last two classes. One was on David and Goliath she had a big laminated poster of Goliath which we were in the Primary room and the ceilings aren't even as tall as he was so part of his legs and feet were on the ground. The girls got to take a sling shot and try and hit him in the head. Then the sister talked about how we all have Goliaths in our life (something we shouldn't be doing or we need work on). So she had all the kids write some of their Goliaths on pieces of paper and then she gave the girls some stones and they wrote how they could overcome these Goliaths in their life. How cleaver is that. I don't know where they come up with these ideas. Then we headed off to our last station which was on prayer. This sister gave some examples of different ways people say prayers and receive answers. There are the people who say their quick prayers while pausing their i pod (with head phones still on) and then getting up and quick pressing play to return to listening to their music. Then they had a divider in the room with a brother being the Holy Ghost giving her the answer to her prayer but she was too busy listening to her music that she missed the answer completely. Then she gave another example when she said her prayer and receive an answer but was to busy to do anything about it right then then went about her way and then later couldn't remember it all. Then lastly, she said a prayer then waited by her bed (chair) for the answer and then right when she got up went to her prayer folder she had made and wrote down everything right then. Then she had the girls make their own prayer folders. All these classes were amazing and the sisters who taught them are amazing and did such a great job. I am so glad I was able to attend and I learned a lot.

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