Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A visit from an old friend

A few months back my good friend Bethany from my high school days (she was in my ward in Muskegon, MI) told me her and her friend were coming down south and were wondering if they could stop by. So late March 6th actually by the time they arrived it was the 7th. Bethany and her friend Marta drove all day and some of the night from Michigan for a 4 day vacation (too bad 2 of the days are driving days). They arrived at 1 am. Instead of going to bed, I decided to fall asleep on the couch because I knew if I was in my warm toasty bed I wouldn't want to get up a few hours later to let them in. I quick said hi showed them where they would be sleeping and the bathroom and went to bed. The next morning I went to the Krispy Kreme donut shop and picked up some donuts for breakfast. You can't come and visit our area without having a hot fresh now glaze donut that just melts in your mouth mmmmmmmmmm yummy. Only too bad for them that they weren't going to be awake for another few hours so they would have cold fresh donuts (almost just as good heated up a little in the microwave). Krispy Kreme also came out with mini donuts. They no longer had donut holes at their store. They look just like regular donuts but smaller perfect for little hands and I have lots of those around. So I got a variety of a dozen of the regular size and I think the mini came in 16 or 18 to a box (to equal the size of a dozen regular). These minis are way better than the donut holes because they come in a better variety that my kids will actually eat. They had the regular glaze, chocolate frosted, and chocolate frosted with sprinkles. My sister Cheri and her 3 girls came over around 11 am about 30 minutes after Bethany and Marta woke up. Cheri and Bethany started out being friends because they were in the same grade in school and in the same class at church and as she hung around our house I became her good friend too. We basically sat around and talked all afternoon and talked about everything from when we were younger to what's going on now. Then they left at 4 pm so they could make it to the World of Coke Museum before it closed. Then they were off to Alabama to visit a friend they know there. It was a fun few hours and nice to see her. The last time I saw her was when Hayden was a baby and now he just turned 3 so just barely under 3 years ago, and that visit was just like this visit she came down for the weekend with her same friend. Hopefully it wont be another 3 years before we see each other again.

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