You know it is spring when you see the dogwood trees in full bloom. We call them popcorn trees because from a distance that is exactly what they look like. But, once you get up close they look like this Hayden was a little disappointed to see this instead of popcorn. And let me tell you the smell is definitely not popcorn. Dogwoods don't smell to good which is a shame because our state has them all over the place after all it is the state tree. I think spring is my favorite season mainly because everything comes back to life. The trees get their leaves, the grass is green, the spring plants get their flowers, the tulips and daffadils, you don't have to use your heat but only a couple hours in the morning and it is still cool enough to not have to turn on the AC opened windows for a couple hours in the evening will cool the house down just perfectly, kids playing outside most of the day so the house stays cleaner for longer, it stays lighter longer, and the weather is warm but not too hot. But to every positive side there are always not so good things about spring. You have to mow your lawn (which I have done twice now), plant your veggies for summer picking, plant flowers, trim bushes, spray or pull the weeds that are shooting up like crazy, spray the house inside and out for bugs, carpenter bees trying to eat your house, basically wear 2 sets of clothes everyday because the morning is in the 40s and the afternoon in the upper 60s, and the allergies (if your are allergic to pollen stay away it is terrible) (luckily none of us have allergies). This past week, I have been devoting some time everyday to do a little yard work and I am almost done. Then its just maintaining it all summer which doesn't take very much time.
These were taken while driving so you don't get the full effect. It was snowing basically the rest of the way home, but by the time we got to our town the snow was really wet and was almost just rain. This didn't make the kids too happy because the snow was to wet to do anything with. All and all it was a great trip and it was plenty warm in Orlando while we were there.