Wednesday, September 15, 2010

U.S. Census

I started my Census job on April 27. I along with about 20 other people in my group met for 4 days for training. The training went through all the things we could and probably would come across while out in the field. It was very informative and I never thought there would be so many different circumstances that could arise filling out a census form. Luckily for me Jon spends a lot of his time working from home. He took over while I was in training from 8 am-5 pm. He made sure the last 2 kids got on the bus and took Hayden to preschool. He also made sure the kids did their homework and had dinner ready when I got home. It was really nice and I felt like I was on vacation.
My job consisted of going to peoples houses that were on my list and fill out a census form for them. I heard some horror stories and we also talked about difficult people, but luckily I didn't run into any mean people. I had a great experience. Yes, I did have a couple people say they wouldn't fill it out, but I was at least able to get how many people were living in that household on April 1, 2010 (census day). Sure the census would love names, ages, race, but there main goal is the number of people living in that house on Census day.

There was enough work for our area for 7 weeks. They figured between 6-9 weeks. Which worked out excellent for me because we were leaving for Disney just a few days later. I mainly worked while the kids were in school and maybe an hour in the evening and then about 8 hours on Saturday. A few days into working the kids started complaining about me working and wanted me to stay home with them. The funny thing is when I am home they mostly ignore me and don't even recognize me being home. Whatever!!

Too bad there isn't a job like this for me to do a few time a year for a little extra bonus money. If there was I would be all over it.

Over all I had a great experience and met a lot of great people in my Census group and would love to do this again in 10 years.

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