Tuesday, September 7, 2010


On April 14th, we had a tree guy and his crew come out and cut down about 25 trees all around our house. About a month or so ago, we had a guy give us an estimate to cut down these trees and the price was just way more than we wanted to spend. So we were just gonna leave the trees. Well a tree company was doing work down the road and was going door to door to some houses and he happened to knock on our door and to make a long story short gave us a great offer way less than the other company so we chopped them all down. We also got 4 loads of free wood chips and a few days after the tree guys cut down the trees we hired a bobcat guy to move these wood chips and level out some areas of our yard.

Lots of fun to watch and listen to the cracking sound as it is about to fall

Then the following day we planted our vegetables. We planted three times as much as in years past. Since we removed a lot of trees and cleared the area of one side of our house we were able to add three planter boxes. We planted tomatoes, green beans, jalapenos, green peppers, corn, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and strawberries.

Some of our garden goodies

We also ordered some fruit trees and berry bushes. We planted an apple, peach, cherry, pear, and plum tree. All the trees except the peach need 2 types of that fruit to cross pollinate. Since space is limited in our yard, we bought the trees that they grafted two types of that fruit. So our apple tree will produce two different types of apples on one tree. Kind of cool if you ask me. We also planted green grapes, red grapes, 2 different types of blueberries, and boysenberries. The boysenberries are supposed to be thornless but they definitely have small thorns on them. Too bad the trees will take a few years to produce fruit and hopefully we will see some berries next year. Right now they are all in large pots because we don't know exactly where we want them to be planted. By Spring next year, we will find them a permanent home.

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